by John Cronin | Feb 1, 2021
This article first appeared in the August 22, 2013 edition of EarthDesk. ~ JC Earlier this evening, I laid my tools on the cabin top of the boat on which I was working, and settled atop to watch the rust red moon crawl to the shoulders of the Hudson Highlands. It...
by John Cronin | Jan 27, 2021
This article first appeared in the October 13, 2013 EarthDesk. ~ JC If our environment is the space we occupy, it is now interstellar. NASA reports: NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft officially is the first human-made object to venture into interstellar space. The...
by John Cronin | Jan 26, 2021
This article first appeared in the January 23, 2018 EarthDesk. ~ JC In 1999. I was invited by the Eddie Bauer Company to compose a letter to the children of 2100 for burial in a time capsule at the Seattle Center in Washington State. I considered human achievements...
by John Cronin | Jan 20, 2021
This article first appeared in the Sept. 27, 2017 edition of EarthDesk. ~ JC With a deck mounted camera, capturing more than 80,000 images, JeffHK produced an entrancing video of his journey to ports-of-call in the “Red Sea passing the Indian Ocean to Port of...
by John Cronin | Jan 20, 2021
This article first appeared in the October 7, 2017 EarthDesk. ~ JC In the days leading up to and after Hurricane Maria, Sarah Gabriella Pereira lived by her cell phone. She had learned the hard way that even a moment’s hesitation might disconnect her from home, thanks...
by John Cronin | Jan 18, 2021
This article first appeared in the April 18, 2018 EarthDesk. Bursts of sun broke the late February chill, warming the 200 anti-nuclear activists gathered to protest the Indian Point plants in Buchanan, NY. Skull-and-crossbones picket signs dotted the air. A...